ARISS Telebridge A new style radio contact via AB1OC

The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program provides an incredible opportunity for students and ham radio enthusiasts to communicate with astronauts onboard the International Space Station (ISS) using radio waves. Recently, ARISS has introduced a new style of radio contact known as Telebridge, and it is revolutionizing the way we connect with the ISS.

Telebridge is a type of radio contact that involves connecting with the ISS via a ground station located in a different country than where the students are located. For instance, a school in the United States might connect with the ISS via a ground station in Italy. This approach allows students to speak with the astronauts at times when the ISS is not directly overhead their location.

One of the most notable benefits of the Telebridge approach is that it enables contact during unfavorable weather conditions, such as during a hurricane or other natural disasters that might prevent the direct contact of the ISS with the school's ground station. Additionally, Telebridge allows for more schools to participate in the ARISS program as there are more ground stations available worldwide than those directly connected to the ISS.

AB1OC, a ham radio operator based in New Hampshire, is one of the leading advocates of the Telebridge approach. The AB1OC ground station is equipped with advanced radio equipment and a high-gain directional antenna that can communicate with the ISS over thousands of miles. AB1OC has helped schools and ham radio enthusiasts from all over the world to connect with the ISS using the Telebridge approach.

The Telebridge approach has been a huge success, and many schools and ham radio operators have benefitted from the program. Students are able to ask the astronauts questions and learn about their experiences living and working in space. For many, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to connect with the International Space Station and the incredible humans who are exploring our solar system.

In conclusion, ARISS Telebridge is an innovative and exciting approach to connect with the ISS, which has opened up new opportunities for students and ham radio enthusiasts worldwide. Thanks to the efforts of AB1OC and other ground stations, more people than ever before are able to communicate with the ISS and learn about the incredible research being conducted onboard. It is a fascinating time to be involved in amateur radio and space exploration.


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