
Showing posts with the label software

Popular software for Ham Radio Stations

  Logging Software Log4OM (free and paid versions available): A comprehensive logging program for Windows that offers features like contact logging, band mapping, awards tracking, and more.  Ham Radio Deluxe (paid): Offers a comprehensive suite of tools for logging contacts, controlling radios, and more.  MacLoggerDX (paid): A popular logging program for Mac users.  HamLogBook (paid): A cloud-based logging program that can be accessed from any device.  Digital Modes Software WSJT-X (free): A popular program for weak signal communication modes like FT8.  FLdigi (free): Supports a variety of digital modes including PSK31, RTTY, and CW.  JS8Call (free): An open-source program for digital voice communication.  Contesting Software N1MM Logger+ (paid): A popular program for contesting and awards programs.  TR4W (free): An open-source contesting program.  Radio Control Software Ham Radio Deluxe (paid): Can also be ...

Dual vfo SSB transceiver project

This is a project that looks very interesting, it's a dual vfo SSB transceiver published by Pete Juliano, radio ham N6QW and co-host of the popular podcast Solder smoke. so let's get started the first job is to read all the documentation and then read it again. After reading the documentation and printing the documents I emailed Pete and asked if I could get a copy of the Arduino sketch for this project, Pete sent me the sketch as requested. Fantastic thanks, Pete. OK, next job is to get all the parts together,  all parts are all available and as a bonus, we managed to get the mixers ADE-1 supplied by mini circuits in NewYork and mini circuits supplied them free of charge as a sample. sofar so good, ok so let's get a bill of materials together. To do this we used my favourite cad and PCB design tools, Using Easy EDA we started to sketch up the schematics and create a list of part, why redraw the schematics? we hear you ask, we did this so at a later date if everything works...